Tactical Kitty/Puppy Dog Ears Defense Keychains
from $5.95
Tactical Kitty Ears Defense Keychain - Plastic and POWERFUL! Very lightweight and work like a charm
Puppy Dog Ears are Metal and magnificently heavy duty!
The Rods can be gripped easily and double as a window breaker.
Tactical Kitty Ears Defense Keychain - Plastic and POWERFUL! Very lightweight and work like a charm
Puppy Dog Ears are Metal and magnificently heavy duty!
The Rods can be gripped easily and double as a window breaker.
Tactical Kitty Ears Defense Keychain - Plastic and POWERFUL! Very lightweight and work like a charm
Puppy Dog Ears are Metal and magnificently heavy duty!
The Rods can be gripped easily and double as a window breaker.